How it works?
When you have text inputs in actions or filters, you might want parts of text to be automatically filled with dynamic values. This is exactly what the placeholder system allows.
Typical example
You have created a behavior that sends a message that says "Hello everyone!"
and you want to add in this message the number of members present on your server to have a result like this:
"Hello everyone! Today we have 158 members on our server!"
Well this is possible with the placeholder system!
You just need to write this as a message in the configuration:
"Hello everyone! Today we have {guild_member_count} members on our server!"
Obviously, you should not write the quotation marks "
All placeholders have the format {placeholder}
Here is the list of all available placeholders.
Some placeholders can only work in certain contexts. For example, it is impossible to use the placeholder {event_channel} in the MEMBER_JOIN event because no channel is affected by the arrival of a new member.
Placeholders that do not depend on context
Placeholders that depend on the context:
If you want to test the return of placeholders, it's possible!
You can use the /placeholder parse
⚠️ Be careful, the {character} will not work because no character is associated.
Last updated