🛠️Getting set up

Step 1: Invite the bot

Invite CharacterWeaver using this link.

Chat set-up

Step 2: Build your AI chat in seconds

You can now set-up a discussion with any character that exist in the reality or in your imagination. This page should help you with this!

Step 3: Understand your needs

Well done! CharacterWeaver is now on your server, and installed. If the AI Chat feature fits you well, no need to do more. If you want to set-up more advanced feature, you may want to take a lot at the advanced set-up.

Complete set-up

Step 2: Create your first character

Well done! CharacterWeaver is now on your server, it is time to create your character. This page should help you with this!

Step 3: Configure the behaviors of your characters

Now that create a beautiful character, you have to add behavior to it. This page should help you with this!

Last updated